Feminine Empowerment and Rooted Healing
Tobernalt Holy Well Sligo
Tobernalt—the Well of the Cliff—between Carns Hill and Lough Gill
There is a deep shift to the feminine with the essence, a profound clearing of the patriarchal energy and a standing in ones own power. The darker side of the feminine, the dark moon, the womb energy, the transformation in our bodies and breath. This is a potent mystical force that is not to be feared.
This essence is about the foundations of your roots, the body. Grounding nourishment and trust within one self. It can help one to be confortable in their body and to feel safe and secure. There is a stability that emerges from wearing the essence.
“The well rises from a powerful and fast-flowing spring, and it’s water is said to have healing properties with cures for both eyesight and madness. The origins of the ‘madness’ cure may has something to do with Maeve the Goddess of Knocknarea, whose name means ‘The Intoxicating One’, or possibly the legends of Sweeney the Mad King who is associated with the Cailleach at Sliabh Dá Eán to the south.”
Inherited traumas are helped to release and a reconnection with the physical body comes through, touch and a connection to oneself through gentle movement such as yoga.
Reclaiming the right to be here, in our bodies and recognizing what a gift from spirit this is.
There can be a fear of being out of control, to change, to manipulate to have it our way and to fix,this can also appear as one being manipulated , constantly giving in, following others and being the victim. Fear or paranoia can cause the chi to descend, resulting in kidney and lower back issues where emotions are ever present.
It helps one to be immersed in abundance and love ones body with trust and wisdom.
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Glenade Water And Moss Water Orb – Ireland.
Collection point: Glenade lake, Leitrim, Ireland
Latitude : 54 22′ 02” Longitude : -8 16′ 18”
Glenade water and moss – clearing the energy of a stone trying to float. This essence is especially helpful for those who work with energy. It helps to clear old unwanted patterns quickly and to integrate new patterns that are emerging. The essence allows your own innate healing powers to do their work with ease and it holds space for you. There is a primal purity in the remedy that activates the suspended pure light energy held within an individual and helps the soul to return to a state of innocent purity and peace. When we hide things from others then can become hidden from ourselves (hiding tears or pain and grief). This essence helps one to listen to their intuition and stops one from becoming stuck in repeated thinking. The moss brings a new clarity and deep clear mental energy that is calm yet energized. It works deeply on the sinuses and spine and helps to clear viruses. It is a powerful awakener and brings one on an inner journey, allowing one to be in the now, to be in time. It allows one to feel free and play in the flow
Civaux – La Vienne water essence
Civaux – La Vienne 46°26’46.7″N 0°40’22.3″E
46.446303, 0.672847
Civaux, the waters taken on the northwest bank of the river Vienne just at the entrance to the village. Civaux is an ancient Celtic/pagan shrine and pilgrimage site (Rue de La Biche) and just north of the ancient Roman town of Lussac Les Chateaux which is surrounded my Mesolithic, Neolithic, Magdelenien and Neanderthal cave, ritual, and living sites. These have been overlaid by ancient shrines to Celtic goddesses, Roman goddesses, and then to Christ. The site at Civaux was just this, a celtic, then Roman and then a Christian religious site. The Church at Civaux contains one of the few representations of the Melusine herself. In the 1980s the site was selected as the site for a large nuclear reactor/power plant, as a quiet waterside village (the river water is used to help cool the twin towers), and to everyone’s astonishment, a huge cemetery, built-in Merovingian times: the third and 4th centuries AD was, uncovered. Over 4 km long and with in excess of 4,000 stone sarcophagi. A staggering site. As an addition to the nuclear power station, a crocodile farm and aquatic center with 50-meter diving pool was additionally built also utilising the abundance of hot water from the towers. It is indeed an awesome site.
This essence is all by thought consciousness, Understanding. The identity is universal.
It’s demon would be attachment and in its development, it would be about the assimilation of knowledge and the development of wisdom. Its purpose is understanding, consciousness, awareness, belief systems, and transcendence. The ability to perceive and be aware to be open minded and question, a greater sense of spirituality and broader understanding. In its trauma, it would manifest as blind obedience, misinformation, education that towards curiosity. This essence allows one to reestablish the physical and emotional connection with spirit to examine one belief to examine, to examine one’s beliefs and to develop an inner witness.
I am I am whole, complete and total unto myself, everything and everyone is part of myself. It is all perfect. The body is totally at rest. And still, the energy is quiet and calm. The mind is clear and empty here totally aware. Life is it is an all as well.
In collaboration with Sally Annett https://www.atelierdemelusine.com/ruth-le-gear-exhibtition
Light, Effervescent, Cosmic Memory
Hawaii Waters Essence
Embark on a transformative journey with our Hawaii Waters Essence—a radiant infusion of light, effervescence, and cosmic memory. This ethereal essence captures the joyous energy of the sea waves, collected in a sacred ceremony by Grandmothers and gifted for your well-being.
- Light and Effervescent: Experience the sparkling essence of Hawaii Waters, mirroring the bubbles in the sea waves—a symphony of absolute joy and healing energy.
- Reflection on Loss: Contemplate the ephemeral nature of life, allowing the essence to guide you through a delicate sense of loss, unveiling a burst of brilliance amid contemporary challenges.
- Transition to Crone: Embrace the truly female energy that supports your journey to Cronehood with wisdom and joy. Work with the heart center, releasing energies no longer needed and fostering a deep self-belief.
- Sensory Perception and Judgment: Explore themes of sensory perception and judgment within this essence, bridging the realms between the vale of tears and the gathering place.
- Born Through Volcanic Waters: Infused with the sensual energy of volcanic waters, this essence brings forth cosmic memories, offering a cosmic journey through rising energy.
Born through volcanic waters in Hawaii, this essence holds the wisdom of Grandmothers and the cosmic memory of the sea. Its effervescent nature mirrors the joy of the waves meeting the land, bringing forth a burst of brilliance—a healing light in a hazy apparition.
Immerse yourself in the cosmic feminine energy and wisdom of Hawaii Waters Essence, allowing it to guide you through transitions, illuminate your path, and bring joy to your soul. It’s more than a product; it’s a luminous journey into the heart of Hawaii’s sacred waters
Glacial Glenade Water Orb – Ireland
Collection point: Glenade lake, Leitrim, Ireland
Latitude : 54 22′ 02” Longitude : -8 16′ 18”
This essence is all about awareness over effort. It is for those who are unable to function in society due to overwhelming emotion; for those who are depressed, and have a fear of illness. It helps to hold the essence when you are so low in energy that you can’t think or speak or even seem to feel. It helps to wear the remedy when you feel like you are losing your mind, losing grounding within one’s soul being. It helps those who are stagnant, who are stuck and have no flow, having lost one’s sparkle. It is for people who cannot be inside, who need to be outdoors in nature. It is also for those who feel like they can’t get clean which is generally linked to parasites in the system. It is for when you are feeling really full and have a desire to be alone. The world is too much to bear sometimes for light beings. There is a deep chest pain with this heartache.
Nowy Port Water Orb – Gdansk, Poland.
This the vibrational essence of Nowy Port, Gdansk.
This essence is a gently comforting, lasting embrace. It creates a calm and a quiet joy.
Nowy port water essence holds the most encompassing joy. As an essence it holds you like a hug, and allows your own innate healing powers to take place, for wherever it is that you need.
Nowy Port water essence brings a lightness to your being, it is an instant pink light. It brings awareness for a need to control others. It brings an awareness that the divine feminine is coming out of us all, it is not something to strive for or be attained.
It helps to release hard heavy unforgiving thoughts and feelings. It is like being wrapped in a pink shawl made of light. It works to release militant and unloving thought forms, it shines a light on mind programs and repeated thinking of heavy thoughts, it helps your heart to become centered in a state of love. The ultraviolet wavelength works to sooth unresolved behavioral difficulties while helping the body to ease pent-up, unexpressed emotions.
This essence can help support the stressful process of moving or re-homing, and can also assist the homeless, or those who choose a lifestyle of roaming and drifting, to feel more supported, stable and connected.
Nowy Port is ideal for those who are drifting from place to place, who have no place to call home, and who feel powerless to direct their lives. It heightens awareness of inner strength, promotes a sense of contentment with the present moment, and encourages peace of mind, even during times of transition and change. The Nowy Port essence helps us create a sense of being at home anywhere on the planet by helping us master the qualities of flexibility and adaptation. It is through an awareness and acceptance of the perfection of each present moment that we are able to access the support and energy we need, wherever we are, and translate this into strength and stability in our daily lives.
It is also for those who live their lives in isolation from others, and who often feel separate and detached from their surroundings and even from the planet. This alienation can be the result of a difficult birth or a weak connection with the birth mother which led to a lack of nurturing during early childhood. It can help people who have lost their homes for financial reasons, or due to catastrophic events, reclaim their inner sense of belonging and their connection with the planet. This will make it easier for them to find a new place to live or re-inhabit their existing home after the damage has been repaired.
click here for more information
Atlantic seawater esssence
Collection point – Skelligs, Co. Kerry
This essence encompasses the themes of connecting with ancient origins, fostering self-realization, and addressing feelings of separation, rejection, or abandonment. The essence helps to guide individuals towards a harmonious understanding of themselves, promoting compassion, love, and a sense of purpose.
Sea water holds an ancestral connection, providing a link to the mastery of ancient origins and potentials from other times. This potent essence serves as a catalyst for self-realization, offering tranquility and balance. It fosters empathy, particularly for individuals who may feel alone, rejected, or abandoned, experiencing a sense of separation from oneself and ancient timelines.
Originating from the sea at Skelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland, this salt water remedy embodies compassion and love, with a focus on fostering a deep sense of connection and acceptance, especially towards oneself.
Grounding, Healing, and Clarity: Magdalena Fjord Arctic Essence
Magdalena fjord: Svalbard: Arctic essence
Collection point 79’33′ N 011’02’ E
Overall this iceberg essence raises consciousness, grounds one and brings clarity.
- Innate Healing Support: As an essence it holds space for your own innate healing to take place, it is very supportive.
- Emotional Release: Alleviate deep grief within the energetic system, allowing a supportive release.
- Balance of Fear and Peace:It brings a balance of fear and peace within oneself. It holds you like a hug allowing your own innate healing to take place.
- Spiritual Infinity: Experience an infinity of spirit, easing interdependency and providing aurora protection as a soul shield.
- Whale and Dolphin Energies: Connected to these energies, it stabilizes and works with all waters in the body.
- Clarity and Rest: Enhance mental clarity, combat fatigue, and enable deep rest, especially beneficial for healers and energy workers.
- Stress Relief and Critical Thinking: Work with mental body centers, alleviate stress, release tension, aid critical thinking, and make decisions with ease.
- Life Transitions Support: Navigate life transitions with grace, wearing this essence as a beacon of stability and support.
Ideal for healers and energy workers, wear this essence during work to enhance clarity and stability. Experience its stabilizing influence on the mental and emotional aspects, fostering relaxation and rest during times of fatigue and stress.
Magdalena Fjord Arctic Essence is a transformative journey toward grounding, healing, and profound clarity. Elevate your well-being and embrace the soothing energies of the Arctic with this exceptional essence.
Winter Solstice Water Orb – Glenade, Ireland.
There is a stillness to the winter solstice, a deep exhale that allows one to contemplate the silence. This essence is about listening, silence and everything that an exhale allows; a letting go, particularly of judgment and control. This essence is very helpful when holding space for other people or the landscape without trying to have any influence over the outcome. When we hold space for others, we can open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgment and control. This essence is for those who prefer protected safe places that you can control wherever possible. This means that you generally don’t like people coming over uninvited and that you have firm internal rules about what is a safe place, and what isn’t. Your idea of safety can be quite stringent compared to that of others and is often anchored more to protected places, than to certain people. In addition, you will regularly seek out seclusion in order to find nourishment, wisdom or energy. Conditions are optimum when your safe place is also a space where you are guaranteed seclusion. The essence which is best worn around your neck when needed for long periods, allows for this feeling of safe space to be with you in the more trying times.